
Based in Klagenfurt, Austria

Release date:
Summer 2025 (PC/Linux)

Steam PC/Linux

Demo Page:

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Roll your way to victory as Bubbles the lab hamster in a high-speed, obstacle-filled adventure! Navigate intricate courses and unlock timed hamster-medals to prove you're the ultimate test subject… Bubbles Breakout is an Arcade Action Platformer indie game that is about maintaining momentum and speed! Losing momentum by crashing into obstacles too hard or falling off a platform can result in the hamster ball shattering.


Bubbles Breakout was born as a game jam project for the 2023 Winter KluJam. The theme of that Jam was “Fragile”. The original team consisted of… A single person! Bubbles Breakout was meant to be an exercise in making a finished jam game all on your own, which meant that Nick (The ginger one) had to wear all the hats at once, making the visuals, code and design. The game ended up winning in one of the categories (“Theme fit award”) and was generally positively received, with many people taking the speed running aspect of the game pretty seriously, competing with one another and trying to beat each other’s time. Later, Federico also joined the team as a producer and game designer. The game is planned for release as a free title in 2025, with DLC map-packs that expand the customization options, as well as provide extra level content.


The goal of the game is to roll to the finish, collect enough carrots and reach the goal in one piece, however, the game emphasizes mastering the levels by introducing a medal system based on how quickly you manage to beat the level. Faster times lead to better medals, and more customization options to unlock for your hamster! The player is encouraged to compete against themselves, by racing against a ghost of a previous best run. Among many other features, an online leaderboard is planned, to make competing with other players easier.


Bubbles Breakout - Announcment Trailer YouTube


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About HamsterLabGames

We're a small group of indie game devs that consists of students from the Game Studies and Engineering Masters Programme in Klagenfurt University, Austria who create fun and memorable video game experiences!

PR Material
Logos, Screenshots and other Marketing Material avaialbe here.

Bubbles Breakout Credits

Nikolay Markozov
Creative Director, Designer, Animator, Lead Artist, Programmer

Federico Montalesi
Producer, Designer, Programmer


Business Inquiries

Press Requests


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks